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The green pass in Italy was introduced to have a virtual vaccination certificate for Covid. Residents from the EU countries could participate once they got vaccinated. This would allow them to travel throughout the country and other European countries. Foreigners who got these types of vaccines ( will list) could use their regular vaccination cards as a form of a green pass. This did come with limits, as the latest vaccine dose had to be within the previous 6 months of travel.

Visiting Rome Italy during Covid

What do you need a Green Pass for in Italy?

The green pass in Italy was used to prove your vaccination status and you needed this certificate to enter restaurants, museums like the Vatican and other controlled government buildings. You also needed a pass to ride trains. So when we traveled to Italy in March, we were able to enter the country with our vaccine card, no test was needed but we were not allowed to enter the Patheon and some restaurants. This was due to the fact that our vaccination cards were older than a year.

Is a Green Pass still required in Italy?

As I write this article in December 2022, the Green pass is no longer needed. Anyone can travel to Italy at this time regardless of how many boosters or vaccine doses. I do think it is still essential to take your vaccine card while traveling. You just never know if it will be needed or if, God forbid you fall ill or get Covid while abroad.

Visiting Trevi Fountain

Tell me About The Covid Super Green Pass?

Since December 6th, 2021, Italians have used a greenpass system with dual levels in place. The Super Green Pass enables anyone aged under 12 years old to use most hotel and transport facilities and to participate in public activities if required. From January 1, 2020, the first green passes in Italy are required to enter “non-essential” places such as shops, banks and post offices. The new Italian law will decrease renewals from 6 to 12 months for people in recovery from vaccination or treatment from 9 to 18 months.

The Italian vaccine certificate is required by all workers as well as for cultural and sporting events, long-distance travel, nightlife and indoor dining in restaurants

Italy’s green passes or certification verde are digital or paper certificates that prove the holders’ vaccination history, and test results are negative or recovered from covid-19. It has since been introduced mainly for people to attend large events like weddings or visit nursing homes. However, the Green Pass is not applicable in the case of younger children and was extended gradually by Prime Minister Mario Draghi.

Italian flag hanfing on building in Rome

If you travel to Italy from the UK

You don’t need to be self-isolated when traveling from the United Kingdom to Italy. A traveler who is not vaccinated can take direct public transport to their destination and stay self-isolated for five days. You’ll be required to take another test during this time. If you need assistance with any aspect that impacts your trip, comment below or follow us on TikTok.

Will QR codes work if they are not from the official Italian app?

If travelers do not wish to download the documents to their phones, they should travel with paper copies of their vaccination certificates. QR codes from European countries are accessible for use by Italy’s QR reader. This will be used to make the QR codes in apps like NHS Pass a good way to check if someone is healthy in EU.

What is the difference between a Covid Super Green Pass and an original Green Pass?

Every person visiting Italy must complete an EU digital passport search form. On January 1, 2022 – CVV Green Passes must have been issued for a number of reasons: accessing shops. You must have a green card if you haven’t yet been vaccinated for a hair salon.

Green Pass in Italy

Can you use proof of recovery to enter Italy?

PCR tests take place during the first 48 hours and PCRs in the first 72 hours. Self-testing isn’ t acceptable. Use a green ticket or digital certificate for vaccination or recovery of negative test results. Those with COVID-19 testing have been asked to obtain a recovery certificate. Your certificate is valid for 180 days after your first test result.

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