Hello, 2nd quarter of 2020. I didnโt expect all of this to happen in the world and around here, but it is so. Our quarantine life started on March 13 so today is day 19, and I decided to share some random thoughts that have occurred in my head during these last 19 days. You may relate, you may have some new ones, you may disagree, but I hope you laugh a few times reading this as we could all use a little humor today. Here are my random thoughts while quarantined.
P.S I may have said some of these out loud.
P.P.S Read them in Samuel Jackson’s voice because this is all so crazy.

- If this kid says he is starving once again, I will make him watch videos of 4th world countries and the real struggles of food
- He canโt be hungry again
- Who is at the fridge at this time?
- I am so glad my tubes are tied and I canโt get pregnant now
- What day is it?
- Is it over yet?
- What is up with that curve today?
- I feel so bad for the elderly who canโt see their family
- Is this thing airborne?
- Was this created in a lab?
- I think I am gonna bake bread
- How can my dog sleep so much during the day when he sleeps all night?
- Is it over yet?
- I wonโt eat carbs
- Oh but that Brazilian bread recipe looks so easy to make
- Will my clients cancel?
- If I let them sleep in, then they will east less! Score!
- I am so glad I donโt have to home school these teens, they are on their own
- Will we have to pay April rent?
- I canโt believe I was in the middle of getting a mortgage approved then this happened
- They better not run out of Bustelo coffee at Publix
- Poor elderly Publix workers, feel so bad for them
- I wonder if someone will have thermometers in stock today?
- Is getting an iced coffee through drive-thru dangerous?
- Are restaurants doing curbside or delivery?
- Why am I eating again?
- How much rice can these kids eat, oh my?
- I will not go to Publix again
- Oh yeah we are missing toothpaste and milk
- Ugh here I go to Publix again
- Why canโt these kids tell me what we need ahead of time and not after I came back from Publix
- So glad they closed off the amenities because these college kids were celebrating spring break every day at the pool
- Is it dangerous to go for a walk?
- Screw it, I am going for a walk
- I need to work out
- I need to stop eating carbs
- Why am I hungry again?
- I canโt fall asleep
- I will watch this American Idol audition just one more time
- I hope Steven Furtick has a good word today
- I need to learn Tik Tok
- I donโt know how to stop watching these Tik Tok videos
- Mom needs to stop sharing everything she finds online
- I hope my mother in law is taking this quarantine seriously
- Why do I check my Instagram so much?
- Maybe I should start acrylic painting
- Oh my Gosh, I even miss taking my son to soccer four days a week
- I wish I could go be on the beach right now
- Oh Italy, it breaks my heart to see all of these deaths
- I canโt wait to go back to Italy

- Which Netflix show shall we watch today?
- Did Carole kill her ex-husband and feed them to the tigers?
- When is this so-called check coming?
- We need to stop eating so much
- Tomorrow I will make a checklist for chores for the boys
- Why canโt he remember to take out the trash
- Why is my dog acting like he is so old, he is only about to turn 7
- Will we have a horrendous economic meltdown
- What is gonna happen?
- So should we call it coronavirus or covid19?
- Why does life look like an episode of the Fear of the Walking Down
- I wish I had masks
- When will I ever find Lysol spray again
- Will the middle class disappear
- And how is toilet paper related to this whole thing again?
- I wish I had a bidet
- I canโt believe the luxe bidet is out of stock on Amazon
- Maybe I should try online grocery shopping
- I canโt believe this guy never delivered my Prime now groceries and kept the tip
- I guess I am going to Publix again but now I have gloves at least
- I wish we could go to Happy Hour
- I am so glad I donโt live in Brazil right now as they have no structure at all
- Why does my husband think he is a teenager again
- Did I mention I am glad I canโt have kids anymore
- So is all of 2020 canceled?
- Will everyone be traveling as soon as this is over?
- I canโt believe my kids actually miss school, well most of them
- I wish the boys had their own rooms
- What day is it again?
- Tomorrow I am going to produce so much content
- Maybe I can organize all of those 12 years of photo files I have saved from my family
- I am so glad I donโt have toddlers right now, quarantine would be crazy
- Will we be back in action in May
- Is Easter Canceled? Nope, still celebrating that He has Risen at home plus ordering chocolate
- I should have ordered a puzzle
- Let me clean my closet
- I need to video chat with some friends
- I canโt believe itโs time to cook again
- I have no idea what I will cook today
- When will this thing reach the peak and downward curve
- Yay Ozark 3 is out
- I canโt believe that Locke & Key finale
- What is the Governor going to say today
- Who has red cab on sale?
- OMG I need to try that Tik Tok Frothy Coffee
- Is this over yet?
- Today I will put on makeup so I can go online live
- I need more sweatpants and cute loungewear
- Maybe I will take a timeout in my car
- I canโt believe I am actually buying nail polish
What a crazy 2020 this has been so far, stay safe my friends. Stay home. I am learning a lot during this time, what to appreciate and what not to take for granted. And having faith in God so I donโt worry too much about tomorrow.